Submission Guidelines


Winged creatures, from the Summer 2023 issue



Visual Submissions: Reflections, ghosts, and plays of light.

We’re continuing our reader-sourced Murmuration section next spring, and we need your help. Each season we put out a call for photography in response to a specific theme, then pick fifteen of our favorites to run as a group of 2 x 3 images in a grid format at the front (second page) of the magazine.

This time we’re looking for ethereal or ghostly reflections and plays of light. Submit 1-3 images, and if we select one, you’ll get a complimentary year-long subscription to Orion. Don’t worry about resolution or specs yet, but know that horizontally oriented photographs work best.

*By submitting these images to Orion for inclusion in the Murmuration section of the magazine you also grant us permission for non-exclusive potential future use of said images with proper attribution, if selected.

The submission window will run from November 15–December 5, 2023

Questions? Write to


Thank you for your interest in sharing your work with Orion. We are not accepting unsolicited pitches or submissions at this time, but keep your eye on this page for announcements around future pitch calls. (We generally issue theme-based submission calls a couple of times a year.)

From January 1 – 15, we will be open to pitches for essays on the environments of film and television.
Send us your story ideas about the viewing experiences that sharpened your view of nature — watching climate disasters in blockbuster movies, inhabiting the landscapes of the drive-in, or researching the carbon footprint of streaming. Please note that we are looking for nonfiction pitches, not full stories.

And in general, we’re not able to consider submissions for poetry, fiction, or AI-assisted works at this time, even during an open pitch window.

Please write to with any questions,