BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Orion Magazine - ECPv6.2.8.2//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:Orion Magazine X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for Orion Magazine REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/New_York BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0400 TZNAME:EDT DTSTART:20230312T070000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0400 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 TZNAME:EST DTSTART:20231105T060000 END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0400 TZNAME:EDT DTSTART:20240310T070000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0400 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 TZNAME:EST DTSTART:20241103T060000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20231102 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20231208 DTSTAMP:20231207T002036 CREATED:20230809T201733Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230829T202300Z SUMMARY:Creative Hybrid Online Writing Workshop with Sarah Giragosian DESCRIPTION:The Course\nCreative Writing in the Anthropocene\nCreative writing within the framework of the Anthropocene is relatively undertheorized\, yet critical in a time when our current geological era is being shaped by humans. In this hybrid course\, we will demystify approaches to poetry and creative non-fiction that address the sixth mass extinction\, climate change\, and the ecological crisis\, as well as explore how to narrate and represent the Anthropocene. Since climate change is a byproduct of human interventions in the natural world\, we will consider the nuanced entanglements of nature and culture\, as well as how the environmental crisis is in many ways a crisis of language and literacy\, exploring how writers can develop readers’ ecological literacy and help them to develop a more sustainable relationship to the creatures and world around them. Integral to our study will be an engagement with writing that reckons with the more-than-human-world\, with the systems and creatures that help us to think beyond an anthropocentric frame. Of value to the creative writer seeking new ways to address the Anthropocene in their writing\, we will read work by such authors as Lia Purpura\, Rebecca Giggs\, Rebecca Solnit\, Daisy Hildyard\, Elizabeth Bishop\, Patricia Smith\, Camille Dungy\, Anne Haven McDonnell\, and Charlotte Pence\, among others. We will be reading and writing each week with the goal of generating new work in a supportive environment. This is a virtual course to be held on Zoom. \nThe Duration: Classes will run on Thursday evenings from November 2-December 7 (*with a make-up class to be scheduled to allow for the Thanksgiving holiday) from 6-9 pm ET. \nApplication window: Applications will open September 1-15. \n \n\nThe Instructor\nSarah Giragosian is the author of the poetry collections Queer Fish\, a winner of the American Poetry Journal Book Prize\, and The Death Spiral. In 2023\, the University of Akron Press released the craft anthology\, Marbles on the Floor: How to Assemble a Book of Poems\, which she co-edited Virginia Konchan. Sarah’s poems and nonfiction essays have appeared in such journals as Orion\, Ecotone\, Tin House\, Pleiades\, and Prairie Schooner\, among others. She teaches at the University at Albany-SUNY. URL: LOCATION:Online CATEGORIES:Online Writers’ Workshop,Nonfiction ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240104 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240209 DTSTAMP:20231207T002036 CREATED:20231018T163142Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231030T175250Z SUMMARY:Orion Online Poetry Writing Workshop with Kim Stafford DESCRIPTION:The Course\nEarth Verse II\n“A place that has not been evocatively described\,” says Robert Macfarlane\, “becomes easier to destroy.” So—our work is clear. For every wounded place in nature\, we might compose a healing charm. Every time we feel daunted by trouble in the human world\, we might make a little story from the wild to find and offer consolation.\n \nWe have cherished such lyric remedies in the Gnomic Verses of Old English\, to the Tao te Ching\, the writings of Dorothy Wordsworth\, Emily Dickinson\, Mary Oliver\, Gary Snyder\, and Pattiann Rogers. From their poems we may learn to make our own\, speaking the language of Earth to sustain the wild and furnish human comfort. In this workshop\, we will harvest close observations from our landscapes\, and compose poems for use as our need comes. As with the evolution of wild beings\, we will compose\, share\, respond\, and revise.\n \nAll you need is a notebook and a pen. No writing experience is necessary. If you wish to have some earth talismans at hand—feathers\, bones\, stones\, a clutch of lichen\, a sprig of juniper or sage—no harm in that. \nThe Duration: This class meets over six consecutive Thursdays from 1-4 pm ET (10-1 am PT) from January 4 through February 8\, 2024. \nApplication window: November 1-15\, 2023 \n  \n \n\nThe Instructor\nKim Stafford\, founding director of the Northwest Writing Institute at Lewis and Clark College\, teaches and travels to raise the human spirit. He is the author of a dozen books of poetry and prose\, including The Muses Among Us: Eloquent Listening and Other Pleasures of the Writer’s Craft and 100 Tricks Every Boy Can Do: How My Brother Disappeared. His most recent book is the poetry collection Singer Come from Afar. He has taught writing in dozens of schools and community centers\, and in Scotland\, Italy\, Mexico\, and Bhutan. In 2018 he was named Oregon’s 9th Poet Laureate by Governor Kate Brown for a two-year term. URL: LOCATION:Online CATEGORIES:Online Writers’ Workshop,Poetry ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240106 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240211 DTSTAMP:20231207T002036 CREATED:20231018T163426Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231109T183641Z SUMMARY:Orion Online Nonfiction Writing Workshop with Jessica J. Lee DESCRIPTION:The Course\nThe More-Than-Human World from Proposal to Page\nThis nonfiction course will center on a wealth of contemporary work inspired by the more-than-human world\, laying the groundwork for book-length projects. Through close readings of literary material as well as industry documents like book proposals\, weekly exercises and workshopping\, we’ll consider the practical aspects of developing nonfiction projects\, as well as techniques for writing the environment in our current moment. We’ll examine tools for writing about plants\, animals\, and other vibrant cues that shape our narratives\, ask how readers can be invited into environmental conversations\, and consider how writing about nature is necessarily tied to struggles for justice and a better world. We’ll finish the course by workshopping either an industry-standard book proposal or chapter sample. Whether you’re outlining\, querying\, or already writing\, this course is ideal for those wanting to sharpen their creative and pitching skills and develop community for the long-haul of writing a nonfiction book. \nThe Duration:  This class meets over six consecutive Saturdays from 1-4 pm (ET) from January 6 – February 10\, 2024. \nApplication window: November 1-15\, 2023 \n  \n \n\nThe Instructor\nJessica J. Lee is a British-Canadian-Taiwanese author\, environmental historian\, and winner of the Hilary Weston Writers’ Trust Prize for Nonfiction\, the Boardman Tasker Award for Mountain Literature\, the Banff Mountain Book Award\, and the RBC Taylor Prize Emerging Writer Award. She is the author of two books of nature writing: Turning and Two Trees Make a Forest\, which was shortlisted for Canada Reads 2021. She has a PhD in Environmental History and Aesthetics and was Writer-in-Residence at the Leibniz Institute for Freshwater Ecology in Berlin from 2017–2018. Jessica is the founding editor of The Willowherb Review and teaches creative writing at the University of Cambridge.  URL: LOCATION:Online CATEGORIES:Online Writers’ Workshop,Nonfiction ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240114 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240219 DTSTAMP:20231207T002036 CREATED:20231018T164713Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231120T202528Z SUMMARY:Orion Online Nonfiction Writing Workshop with Michelle Dowd DESCRIPTION:The Course\nForaging: Finding What You Need\nForaging is a skill for finding what you need\, wherever you are. In this course\, we will focus on grounding ourselves (through guided meditation\, journaling\, foraging from our surroundings\, etc.) and deepening our connection to the earth\, so we can write from a place of rootedness. Looking to human and nonhuman communities for motivation\, collaboration\, and hope\, we will find ways to dialogue more honestly with ourselves\, and with each other. We will read a variety of free online stories and essays\, practice in-class writing exercises and take-home writing exercises\, explore various elements of craft\, and immerse ourselves in storytelling. While we can all write on our own\, the choice to learn together\, and to read and respond to each other’s work\, is generative. We will co-create a support system within the container of this space\, like a mycelial network\, to foster conditions that allow us to grow our writing practices.   \nThe Duration: This class meets over six consecutive Sundays from 5-8 pm ET (2-5 pm PT) from January 14 – February 18\, 2024. \nApplication window: November 1-30\, 2023 \n  \n \n\nThe Instructor\nMichelle Dowd is a journalism professor and contributor to The New York Times\, The Los Angeles Times\, The Alpinist\, Catapult\, and other national publications. She has been recognized as a Longreads Top 5 for The Thing with Feathers\, an article on the relationship between environmentalism and hope. Her popular Modern Love column in The New York Times inspired her memoir\, Forager: Field Notes on Surviving a Family Cult\, which showcases her life growing up on an isolated mountain in California as part of an apocalyptic cult\, and how she found her way out of poverty and illness by drawing on the gifts of the wilderness. URL: LOCATION:Online CATEGORIES:Online Writers’ Workshop,Nonfiction ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240127 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240303 DTSTAMP:20231207T002036 CREATED:20231018T194717Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231030T181022Z SUMMARY:Orion Online Nonfiction Writing Workshop with Gary Ferguson DESCRIPTION:The course\nWhat the Land Inspires\nLiterary critic Frank Stewart described writers whose work focuses on nature as “bringing together the scientific and the poetic\,” to render something bigger than the sum of the parts. This nonfiction essay workshop offers students the chance to cultivate fresh\, compelling narratives about the power of life connected to landscape. Specifically\, we’ll use a mix of exercises\, storytelling\, readings\, and conversation to address three important focus areas: a) developing a compelling theme; b) honing essential craft skills\, including setting\, transition\, tone\, and pacing; and c) improving the flow and energy of your work through an elegant storytelling blueprint known as dramatic device. Finally\, count on some great conversations about the role you’re playing in sustaining the essential relationship between humans and the planet; in other words how you\, a modern artist\, are struggling to address the hunger of our times. \nThe Duration: This class meets over six consecutive Saturdays 11-2 ET (9-12 MST) from January 27 – March 2\, 2024. \nApplication Window: November 1-15\, 2023 \n \n \n\nThe Instructor\nGary Ferguson has been a full-time freelance writer for forty years. His work has appeared in dozens of national magazines\, including Outside\, Orion\, and Vanity Fair. His 2016 Orion essay\, “A Deeper Boom\,” was chosen as nonfiction essay of the year by the American Society of Journalists and Authors. Gary is also the author of 27 books on nature and science. The Carry Home: Lessons from the American Wilderness\, was the recipient of the prestigious Sigurd Olson nature book of the year award. Hawks Rest: A Season in the Remote Heart of Yellowstone\, was the first nonfiction book to win both the Pacific Northwest Booksellers and Mountains and Plains Booksellers awards. Gary’s most recent book is Full Ecology: Repairing Our Relationship with the Natural World\, written with his wife\, social scientist Dr. Mary M. Clare. Photo by Bob Gross.  URL: LOCATION:Online CATEGORIES:Online Writers’ Workshop,Nonfiction ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240205 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240312 DTSTAMP:20231207T002036 CREATED:20231018T165121Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231114T160501Z SUMMARY:Orion Online Nonfiction Writing Workshop with Cinelle Barnes DESCRIPTION:The Course\n Home\, Away and At Play: Place and Playful Writing Practices\nWe’re bringing the idea of “tools” back into the workshop! This workshop is for anyone who wants to create a strong sense of place on the page\, tell travel stories that inspire environmental action or social justice\, and\, most importantly\, incorporate playful modes and fun tools into their writing practice. We will build a toolkit that will help you start new work\, jumpstart an old project\, or advance a work-in-progress focused on natural and built environments. \nThe Duration: This course meets over six consecutive Mondays from 4-7 pm ET\, from February 5 – March 11\, 2024. \nApplication window: November 1-15\, 2023 \n \n\nThe Instructor\n Cinelle Barnes is a formerly undocumented memoirist\, essayist\, and educator from Manila\, Philippines\, and is the author of Monsoon Mansion: A Memoir and Malaya: Essays On Freedom\, and the editor of the New York Times New & Noteworthy book\, A Measure Of Belonging: 21 Writers Of Color On The New American South. Her forthcoming travel memoir\, Recovering Nation\, comes out in 2024. Cinelle earned an MFA in Creative Nonfiction from Converse College. Her writing has appeared in or is forthcoming from The New York Times\, Longreads\, Garden & Gun\, Coastal Living\, Travel + Leisure\, Electric Literature\, Buzzfeed Reader\, Literary Hub\, and CNN Philippines\, among others. Cinelle was a contributing editor\, instructor\, and writer at Catapult\, and she served as a juror for the inaugural Pulitzer Prize for Memoir. Cinelle’s work has received fellowships and grants from the Sustainable Arts Foundation\, VONA\, Kundiman\, the John and Susan Bennett Memorial Arts Fund\, the Lowcountry Quarterly Arts Grant\, and Capita. Her debut memoir was listed as a Best Nonfiction Book of 2018 by Bustle and nominated for the 2018 Reading Women Nonfiction Award. URL: LOCATION:Online CATEGORIES:Online Writers’ Workshop,Nonfiction ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240221 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240328 DTSTAMP:20231207T002036 CREATED:20231018T165412Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231115T163323Z SUMMARY:Orion Online Poetry Writing Workshop with Danusha Laméris DESCRIPTION:The Course\n The Size of the World: Redwood\, Rock\, and Spore\nAs poets\, sometimes it’s overwhelming to know where to begin. In this workshop\, we’ll start with the lens of scale. Depending on how you look at it\, the page itself can seem immense or small. Our subject matter can be a pebble\, or an entire landscape. A story that unfolds in the world of an ant\, or that crosses generations of elephants. We will practice using the lens of proportion and scale to write our poems\, describing the most minute details\, and then arcing out into immensity. My hope is that you ––and all of us!––will write things that will change the way we see. Seeing deeply is one way we can love the world\, even when that looking reveals what is unlovely or difficult. We will find beauty in the broken and the wholeness of the whole.  \nThere will be in-class writing prompts\, as well as writing suggestions to take home after class. Bring a pen\, bring your curiosity\, and prepare to attune your senses to wonder. All levels are welcome. \nThe Duration: This class meets over six consecutive Wednesdays from 5-8 pm ET (2-5 pm PT) February 21-March 27\, 2024. \nApplication window: November 1-15\, 2023 \n \n\nThe Instructor\nDanusha Laméris\, a poet and essayist\, was raised in Northern California\, born to a Dutch father and Barbadian mother. Her first book\, The Moons of August\, was chosen by Naomi Shihab Nye as the winner of the Autumn House Press Poetry Prize and was a finalist for the Milt Kessler Book Award. Some of her work has been published in: The Best American Poetry\, The New York Times\, Orion\, The American Poetry Review\, The Kenyon Review\, Ploughshares\, Poetry\, and Prairie Schooner. Her second book\, Bonfire Opera\, was a finalist for the 2021 Paterson Poetry Award and recipient of the Northern California Book Award in Poetry. She was the 2018-2020 Poet Laureate of Santa Cruz County\, California\, and is currently on the faculty of Pacific University’s low residency MFA program. Her third book\, Blade by Blade\, is forthcoming from Copper Canyon Press. URL: LOCATION:Online CATEGORIES:Online Writers’ Workshop,Poetry ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR